Wednesday, September 28, 2011

September 29th

Mistress arrived safely in Auckland on Tuesday afternoon after a easy passage from Vava'u Tonga. It was very special watching the sunrise above Great Barrier Island as we sailed in flat waters in a gentle breeze off the Hen & Chicken Islands. It really felt as if Mistress had arrived in her new home!

I will send one more blog update about our time in Vava'u which was fantastic, but in the meantime I wanted to share with you a few of the key numbers that have emerged from the last 5 months of sailing Mistress across the Pacific

Mistress Crew

The Numbers
Mistress to the South Pacific 2011

1. Miles sailed Vancouver to Auckland = 8747
2. Crew aboard Mistress = 23
3. Total days of voyage = 148
4. Sailing days = 50
5. Islands off the Mistress T-shirt visited = 17
6. Mistress T-shirts distributed = 65
7. Engine Hours = 560
8. Fuel used = 2388 litres
9. Water made = 7850 litres
10. Times anchored = 55
11. Times tied to a dock = 2 (San Francisco & Apia, Samoa)
12. Boxes of Muesli /Granola eaten = 75
13. Tins of Tuna eaten = 74
14. Bottles of Beer enjoyed = 1380
15. Bottles of Rum consumed = Too many
16. Fish caught = Not enough
17. Races sailed (Vava’u Regatta) = 3
18. Races won = 3
19. Hours of fun = 3552
20. People to thank = too many to list but you all know who you are!
21. Number of memories = a lifetime!

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