Saturday, June 21, 2014


39 Degrees 10 mins N
167 degrees 56 min W

They are 1500 miles from the Strait of Juan de Fuca
After sailing 32 days from Auckland, Mistress is now on Port tack.

The crew happy but frustrated to not know how the World Cup Soccer positions sit, not to mention the NMBA.  We will work to find the stats for them for Sunday when Rob makes contact again.

The menu tonight is pasta with meat sauce and parmesan possible a sip of wine or beer.
They have all watched the Games of Thrones and do not know the last episode of the
first series and I think once off the boat it will be a must be for the crew to find out.

It is safe to say all is good, the seas and wind are in favour of Mistress and crew and we
will all be there to welcome them home in a matter of days.

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