Saturday, June 14, 2014


The Moon is our Friend!

Sailors can be a superstitious lot….don’t sail with bananas……don’t sail with women…..don’t leave port on a Friday….and certainly not on Friday the 13th…..

Not that we are falling into the realm of old sailors tales…..but we are now ready to set sail for Canada…..crew has settled in, the boat is provisioned, fueled and water….all we have to do is cast off…..

Of course we don’t want to be inhospitable to our hosts the Hawaii Yacht Club and their regular Friday night racing and BBQ……so we will do the right thing and enjoy the evening food and drink and set sail at first light in the morning….Saturday the 14th!

Waikiki has been a great pit stop. Alex has surfed the local break…”Bowls”…..Nicci has found the Waikiki beach strip’s best Mai Tai…..and Skip has caught up on his sleep……

Mistress has had another crew change for the final sprint north around the Pacific High and easing of sheets into the Strait of Juan de Fuca….more than three years after leaving in April of 2011…..Milllsy; Skip’s constant number two has flown back to New Zealand to resume land based work and family duties…..Alex and Nicci continue to shine as the old hand’s of this voyage even at the tender age of 24 and 27 respectfully…. Joining the boat are Dylan Sydneysmith; a veteran of Mistress’s inaugural voyage from San Diego to San Francisco and his McGill University friend Hector Haynes from Gibraltar….

So Skip has four twenty something crew….. to share the adventure and pure exhilaration of sailing Mistress to her final destination….

It will be a great sail…..we depart on virtually a full moon, which will be our friend and help ease us back into the beauty and serenity of night time sailing….

Stay tuned and we will update you as best we can over the next couple of weeks.


The Mistress Crew

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