Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Photos from San Fran - Hiva Oa

Charlie & Mahi Mahi

Warren sailing in the Trades Reeling in Mahi Mahi Millsy Lloyd taking a dive Chin up Lloyd

Monday, May 30, 2011

100 miles to go!

Mistress now has less than 100 miles to anchor down in Tahauku Bay, habour for the town of Atuona on Hiva Oa. Latitude of anchorage is S09.48 W139.2, google earth to check it out.

This will be our last "at sea" email for a while, but with a landline will upload pics and video from this leg. Today has been a repeat of yesterday, perfect sailing.

Mistress has performed superbly, she is a great ocean yacht, strong, safe and comfortable, with a pretty good turn of speed for an old girl! All Mistress crew have enjoyed sailing her.

I have to pass on a special thanks to Warren's daughter Janine Wilson who has been serving as your blog and email master and has been key to getting the daily updates to you.


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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Closing in...

The sky has been cloudless 31C, we have been sheltering in the shade of the Bimini as we reach along with dry decks at 8 knots. This is what we signed up for!

The lads joke about what was in the "brochure" for this passage and what wasn't based on what we have experienced. We will send a complete review of this from HO.

Noon position S06.10, W135.22. Last 24 hours 175 miles. Hiva Oa 250 miles away. The crew are excited and I am sure will be awake Tuesday morning for first view of the Marqesas, the most remote islands in the world.


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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Beach Day

Yesterday new Mistress play area was discovered (The Beach). Lloyd, Charlie & Warren lay face down on Mistress's deck at the bow and were cooled by the blasts of spray and waves that roared over them with every wave and plunge of the bow. The kids were able to cool down and have some great fun. The beach day was followed by fresh water shower and cold beer.

Easterly Trades are now steady 20 knots with good size swells. We are close reaching resulting in very wet topsides, water everywhere! Currently flying stay sail and reefed main.

Noon position S03.38, W 133.51. Last 24 hours 193 miles, currently 430 miles to Hiva Oa. Have slowed boat down a bit to make things more comfortable. ETA, first light Tuesday.


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Friday, May 27, 2011

Where North meets South!

At 0546 this morning, Mistress dipped her bow accross the line and entered the Southern Hemisphere for the first time. It was a bit subdued as it was dark and the off watch crew were rousted from their bunks to watch GPS go N to S. They immediately returned to their bunks. I suggest tonights cocktail hour a wee bit of Mt Gay will flow to honour the new Shelbaks!

Noon S0.43, W132.33. Last 24 hours 178 miles. Rhumbline to HO 652 miles. Currently sailing south of course to allow any potential change to SE. Wind E at 15 knots. ETA Tuesday first light.


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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Perfect conditions

Position at noon today N2.08 W131.56. Last 24 hours 164 miles, superb close reaching in 15+ knot Easterly Trades. Mistress is a joy to sail in these conditions! She powers through the swells with ease.

Sea 27C, air 32C. Yesterday we saw a pod of 50+ dolphins hunting fish in a long line in front of us, spectacular acrobatic display! Had chicken for dinner last night, nice change to fish.

We will cross the Equator sometime before dawn tommorow (only 110 miles to go). Lads are excited to be almost back in home waters. ETA for Hiva Oa is likely Monday night or first light Tuesday.

Due to volume of water over decks, hatches are tight and below has a feel of a Turkish Bath. Sleep is tough and the leeward cockpit seatee is hotly contested for night sleep!


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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Free freshwater showers!

Tough 24 hours. Trades disappeared yesterday afternoon, replaced with light and very variable NW to NE and skies full of heavy rain and little wind. Doldrums had arrived. Good news, free freshwater showers! We tried to sail through the night due south to transit Doldrums quicker. Arrival of glassy calm seas and zero wind resulted in first motor since San Fran.

By morning, 1st signs of SE wind showed up and since been sailing slightly eased into 10+ knots SE pretty much on track to lay HO (950 miles away). Feels like we are on home straight.

We are only 270 miles North of Equator which will mark four new offical "shellbacks" (W, W, L, C) for those not sure what a Shellback is - Google "party time with Neptune".


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Doldrums

Pilot charts say we are officially in the Convergence (Doldrums) between the NE & SE Trades. Less than 400m to Equator. Still caryying NE 20-25 knots of breeze so life is good!

Noon position N07.01 W131.10. Last 24 hours 182 miles. Night watches are special - warm wind, brilliant stars, spectacular phosphorescence (bow wave and rudder wake) & solitude of only you and the Mistress.

Yesterday we tagged and released two more Mahi Mahi. Still eating fish, Lloyd has had enough fish and wants steak. Warren can eat fish everyday for ever. Millsy is great cook, he better be careful when he gets home as Christine will have him cooking every night! Favourite time of day is late avo (after 5pm), rationed alcholic drink is enjoyed in afternoon glow of great company and great sailing.


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Monday, May 23, 2011

Hot, hot, hot!

It's hot aboard Mistress! 32C with 550 miles to Equator, it is not getting any cooler in a hurry. 24 hour 184 miles, we eased back a bit wanting to ensure gear stays in 1 peice.

Noon position N9.59 W 131.15, lowered mainsail for 2 hours this morning to do some running repairs. I went up rig for quick check, all good, great view, nothing but sea and sky!

Flying fish and squid on deck, not enough for a meal but great to throw at each other. Water maker working a treat, full tanks so fresh water showers daily are key!

Southern Cross is above Southern horizon so Kiwi crew are feeling closer to home. Ice hockey fans (Lloyd & Rob) hear Canucks 1 game from finals, go lads! Rugby, how are the Blues?


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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Flying fish, tropic birds & sunshine...

NE Trades are honking today, steady 25 knots with gusts over 30 knots in squalls. Water temp is 25C and soooo blue. Plenty of flying fish, tropic birds and sunshine.

Over 1/2 way to HO, 24 hour run of 196 miles - this old girl needs some big waves to crack 200! At noon today N13.01, W131.04.

Warren loves singing to his ipod music on watches (consensus is for him to keep his day job!). Lloyd and Charlie are itching for some surf, Mistress down a big wave doesn't cut it!


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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Eating like Kings

24 hour of 190 miles. Current position N16.14, W130.44. Have altered course slightly to E of S to hopefully allow for slightly eased sheets when we get through the doldrums and into SE Trades.

In San Fran, each of us wrote an ETA for Hiva Oa, almost 1/2 way the lads are saying they want to re-estimate, obviously they were optimisitc. Skip still happy with his ETA.

Yesterday we landed 2nd Mahi Mahi, once again with monster Kiwi game rod/reel (thanks to Pete). Fish lines are firmly aboard as we will be eating fish for days.


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Friday, May 20, 2011

A day of good & bad news

Noon position N19.19 W130.12. Great 24 hour run of 183 miles, 1807 miles to HO. Good news and bad news today. Bad news after running hard for over 24 hours, we blew head and luff tapes out of 3/4oz kite :(

Good news we retrieved ok and better news is that it is repariable (by sailmaker). Even better news is we have more kites! Very best news is that we caught a beaut Mahi Mahi this morning and it is my cooking night!

Answer to yesterday's question: what is 53' long and has 7 flotation devices each 6'2" long? Mistress with 7 surfboards. Current joke aboard is that if we have to abandon ship we will forgo life raft and simply hop on a surfboard! Crew well settled into the passage and we are having fun.

Cheers, MC

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Trade Winds Have Arrived!

After a very frustrating 24 hours of virtually no wind we are now truly into the Trades with wind at 17 knots from NNE running with kite up and blazing hot decks!

Now less than 2000 to HO. Noon position today N22 08 W129 06. Question for the day "what is 53' long and has 7 flotation devices each 6'2" long?" (answer tommorrow...)

Fresh fish gone - the lads are looking for the big Mahi Mahi - Warren cooking tea tonight - could be steak if no bites. Food great, though favourite chocolate already a bit low.

Cheers, MC

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Fish Drought Broken...

2100 miles to Hiva Oa, very light winds in the past 24 hours. At first light this morning early trades arrived (we think), 5 knots from the North. Gybed to port tack and hoisted spinnaker!

Working hard to get 3 knots boat speed. Good news though, water tanks full and beer cold! Broke fish drought yesterday with 3 Albacore at 1st light. Sushimi all day!

Lloyd and Charlie dove off the bow this morning and caught stern boarding ladder as we sailed by, they are in training for their surf safari. All great aboard Mistress. Cheers, MC

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It's pretty crowded out here

2250m to Hiva Oa, couldn't ask for better sailing. 7-8 knots average boat speed. 60 degree apparent wind, dry decks and smooth seas plus all day sun and all night moonshine!

No ships for 2 days, catch phrase today is "it's pretty crowded out here". Lloyd entertained us today doing chin ups while suspended over the water at 9 knots.

Water is now 18 degrees, deep blue and so clear. Three fishing lines out so still no fish so are eating smoked salmon instead!

Coordinates N26.19 W126.32, average daily run since SF 180m.

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Beaut full moon

Three days out of SF, great progress beam reaching with Gennaker under beaut full moon. Coordinates N29.16.5, W125.34.9. Yesterday southlerly 35kt headwinds. Didn't last long, all ok. Starting to get warmer with NE Trades hopefully a few days away. Crew in great form though no fish (Lloyd still trying). Cheers, M Crew

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

On our way!

Departed SF at 2230 hours May 12th. Great wind to send us on our way, 20-25 knot from NW. Cranked out 216 miles in first 24 hours. All good with crew, Millsy set the bar high for 1st night dinner, it was fantastic. Starting to get warmer. Current position N33.32.42 W124.04.59, course 180. Only 2,718 miles to Hiva Oa.

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Departing San Francisco

Recieved Friday 13th May NZT

The Mistress Crew arrived in San Fran last Sunday after a relatively event free sail from Vancouver. We had nothing more than 15 knots breeze and lost the wind most nights resulting in a fair bit of motoring through the night. The crew settled into the routine of sailing the boat, and life aboard Mistress.

It has been a very busy five days here in SF, with lots of provisioning and last minute boat jobs being completed. We have moored at KKMI in San Francisco, which is a great facility and their staff are fantastic at helping solve all those technical issues beyond our crew. The crew have managed a day off and toured SF. Warren and Millsy rode bikes accross the Golden Gate while Lloyd and Charlie ate lunch at China Town....

We are casting off in a few mintues, so we will be departing before the midnight hour which will of course is ensure we don't leave on a Friday (which to make matters worse is the 13th).

We will send regular emails and look forward to sending photos and videos when the broadband connection allows. .

Cheers from the Mistress Crew