Saturday, May 28, 2011

Beach Day

Yesterday new Mistress play area was discovered (The Beach). Lloyd, Charlie & Warren lay face down on Mistress's deck at the bow and were cooled by the blasts of spray and waves that roared over them with every wave and plunge of the bow. The kids were able to cool down and have some great fun. The beach day was followed by fresh water shower and cold beer.

Easterly Trades are now steady 20 knots with good size swells. We are close reaching resulting in very wet topsides, water everywhere! Currently flying stay sail and reefed main.

Noon position S03.38, W 133.51. Last 24 hours 193 miles, currently 430 miles to Hiva Oa. Have slowed boat down a bit to make things more comfortable. ETA, first light Tuesday.


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