Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Doldrums

Pilot charts say we are officially in the Convergence (Doldrums) between the NE & SE Trades. Less than 400m to Equator. Still caryying NE 20-25 knots of breeze so life is good!

Noon position N07.01 W131.10. Last 24 hours 182 miles. Night watches are special - warm wind, brilliant stars, spectacular phosphorescence (bow wave and rudder wake) & solitude of only you and the Mistress.

Yesterday we tagged and released two more Mahi Mahi. Still eating fish, Lloyd has had enough fish and wants steak. Warren can eat fish everyday for ever. Millsy is great cook, he better be careful when he gets home as Christine will have him cooking every night! Favourite time of day is late avo (after 5pm), rationed alcholic drink is enjoyed in afternoon glow of great company and great sailing.


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