Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Free freshwater showers!

Tough 24 hours. Trades disappeared yesterday afternoon, replaced with light and very variable NW to NE and skies full of heavy rain and little wind. Doldrums had arrived. Good news, free freshwater showers! We tried to sail through the night due south to transit Doldrums quicker. Arrival of glassy calm seas and zero wind resulted in first motor since San Fran.

By morning, 1st signs of SE wind showed up and since been sailing slightly eased into 10+ knots SE pretty much on track to lay HO (950 miles away). Feels like we are on home straight.

We are only 270 miles North of Equator which will mark four new offical "shellbacks" (W, W, L, C) for those not sure what a Shellback is - Google "party time with Neptune".


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