Monday, May 23, 2011

Hot, hot, hot!

It's hot aboard Mistress! 32C with 550 miles to Equator, it is not getting any cooler in a hurry. 24 hour 184 miles, we eased back a bit wanting to ensure gear stays in 1 peice.

Noon position N9.59 W 131.15, lowered mainsail for 2 hours this morning to do some running repairs. I went up rig for quick check, all good, great view, nothing but sea and sky!

Flying fish and squid on deck, not enough for a meal but great to throw at each other. Water maker working a treat, full tanks so fresh water showers daily are key!

Southern Cross is above Southern horizon so Kiwi crew are feeling closer to home. Ice hockey fans (Lloyd & Rob) hear Canucks 1 game from finals, go lads! Rugby, how are the Blues?


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