Saturday, May 14, 2011

Departing San Francisco

Recieved Friday 13th May NZT

The Mistress Crew arrived in San Fran last Sunday after a relatively event free sail from Vancouver. We had nothing more than 15 knots breeze and lost the wind most nights resulting in a fair bit of motoring through the night. The crew settled into the routine of sailing the boat, and life aboard Mistress.

It has been a very busy five days here in SF, with lots of provisioning and last minute boat jobs being completed. We have moored at KKMI in San Francisco, which is a great facility and their staff are fantastic at helping solve all those technical issues beyond our crew. The crew have managed a day off and toured SF. Warren and Millsy rode bikes accross the Golden Gate while Lloyd and Charlie ate lunch at China Town....

We are casting off in a few mintues, so we will be departing before the midnight hour which will of course is ensure we don't leave on a Friday (which to make matters worse is the 13th).

We will send regular emails and look forward to sending photos and videos when the broadband connection allows. .

Cheers from the Mistress Crew

1 comment:

  1. Hope the Mistress crew had a good night and managed some sleep after some rough seas. Missing you all and sending you clear skies, good wind and lots of love. Shawn
